The ISC does its work through Committees and Working Groups, created by the Plenary under Terms of Reference (TOR). These TOR are approved by the ISC Plenary. Members may belong to up to three (3) Committees.


  • The term of office for the Chair of an ISC Committee or Working Group (hereinafter grouped together as “Committee”) will be two (2) years, concurrent with the term of office of the ISC Bureau. When first appointed the Chair have to be present at the Plenary Meeting.
  • The Chair of an ISC Committee may be re-appointed an unlimited number of times. 
  • The Chair of an ISC Committee will be proposed by the ISC Bureau to the ISC Plenary for approval. 
  • The Chair will assume the responsibilities of the position at the end of the Plenary Meeting at which the appointment is made. 
  • Chairs of each ISC Committee shall appoint Deputy Chairs, who must be current Delegates,  Alternate Delegates or Appointed Observers, to act in their places should they not be present at Committee proceedings.
  • The members of an ISC Committee will be selected annually by the Chair of the Committee.  
  • The members of an ISC Committee will be proposed by the Chair of the Committee to the Plenary meeting for approval.
  • The ISC Competition Committees report directly to the Bureau and the Plenary Meeting of the ISC and are responsible to the Plenary Meeting.

Competition Committees

Except for the publication of press releases and statistical information, all findings, reports, recommendations and proposals of the ISC Competition Committees shall be presented to the Plenary Meeting, which shall decide on their use, distribution or publication.

Each ISC Competition Committee shall engage in and be responsible for:

  • Competition Rules for its event.
  • Advising Organisers and potential Organisers of World Championships and International Competitions in its event.
  • Advising the Bureau on the selection of the FAI Controller for a World Championship in its event.
  • Soliciting bids for future World Championships in its event.
  • Analysing results and experiences from WPCs so as to recommend changes where necessary.